Zoids Wild, the first new Zoids TV anime series made a controversial change to the series, with Zoid pilot riding on top of their mechanical partners instead of riding inside a cockpit. The series also shifted tone, with a storyline and character designs aimed at a much younger audience.
As a result, Zoids Wild made very little noise in the West, despite the popularity of past series like Zoids and Zoids: Chaotic Century. Alas, older anime fans will always have their fond memories of Zoids' legendary afternoon Toonami run in the early 2000s.
Zoids Wild Zero is set to premiere in Japan October 4. All the staff from the first season are returning, including Takao Kato as director, Kenichi Araki as head writer, and Tadashi Sakazaki as character designer.
Reports indicate that the sequel series will be set within the world of the first season but will feature an entirely new set of characters.