The upcoming special episodes of Detective Conan have released a new television commercial. These 2 one-hour episodes adapt the Crimson School Trip arc from the Detective Conan manga. The manga chapters covered in these specials are 1000-1005, their corresponding episodes in the anime series are 927 and 928.
The first special episode will air on January 5th and the second one is out on January 12, 2019. The last special episode the series produced aired in 2014. The anime series has been airing since January 8, 1996 and has 923 episodes as of right now. TMS Entertainment animates it and Funimation had the North American license.
The manga series that inspired all of the multimedia projects is written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama, Shogakukan publishes it in the Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. The series has been running since January 19, 1997 and has 95 volumes.
Detective Conan: Crimson School Trip airs on January 5 and January 12