The official Ota-suke website has shared the new characters and their voice actors joining the upcoming original anime Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai. These three characters are supporting roles in the show and are the following:
Rumi Okubo as Natsuo
Yoji Ueda as Johnny
Nao Toyama as Ririko
Tsutomu Mizushima is directing and acting as sound director for the series, Yuusaku Saotome is the episode director and Asami and ZAQ have theme song performances. The opening theme is Soranone by ZAQ and the ending theme is Tsubasa wo Motsumonotachi by the main voice cast.
The previously revealed voice cast consists of: Hibiku Yamamura as Zara, Miyu Tomita as Chika, Asami Seto as Reona, Sayaka Nakaya as Kate, Eri Yukimura as Emma and Sayumi Suzushiro as Kirie. Digital Frontier produces the series, WAO World and GEMBA animate it and has a release date of January 2019.