The anime adaptation of author Masakuni Igarashi's school slice of life manga series, Senryuu Girl, has opened up an official website and shares its first key visual. The website is titled and the images shared include a promotional image or poster of the anime, with the main character positioned in front of several Sakura flowers. The other image is an official character design for the anime. We will keep you updated with news from the upcoming anime.
Director: Masato Jinbo
Series Composition: Masato Jinbo
Character Design: Maki Hashimoto
Kana Hanazawa as Nanako Yukishiro
This manga series is written and illustrated by Masakuni Igarashi and has been publishing since October 19, 2016 with 7 volumes out right now. Kodansha publishes it and there is no English license at the moment.
Other work by Igarashi (as illustrator) includes Dekoboko Animation, a manga series that ran from June 3, 2015 to September 2, 2015 and has 2 volumes with 14 chapters in total. The series was serialized in the Weekly Shonen Magazine as well. As soon as there is more information on the anime, we will let you know.
Yukishiro Nanako is a cute, cheerful high school girl with one peculiar trait - instead of verbal communication, she writes senryu (a type of haiku) poems to relay her thoughts. Together with ex-delinquent Busujima Eiji, they are budding freshmen of the school's Literature Club.
Even though Nanako doesn't talk, with the power of senryu, the adorable pair has no problem enjoying their fun school-life through the tune of 5-7-5 syllables.
Senryuu Girl hits screens on spring 2019