Originally starting as a light novel series, Gakuto Mikumo's Strike the Blood has undergone various multimedia iterations. The series, which follows a young man who is discovered to be a mythic vampire, and the girl tasked with protecting him, has a manga series adaptation in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly Comic Dengeki Daioh, released in 2012. The series also had an anime series that began in 2013 and ran for 24 episodes.
Another iteration of the series, and the one that has continued even to now, has been the OVA series. The first season premiered in 2015, while the second was in 2016-2017.Third season released between 2018 and 2019 and had covered the story up until volume 17. One of the most unique aspects of the OVA is that during their special episode, titled Strike the Blood: Disappearing Holy Lance Arc, the series told its first original story that was not tied to a series.
Now, with the announcement of Strike the Blood IV, a new promo for the OVA was unveiled and has shown fans new and exciting footage of what to expect! As of now, the season plans to release its episodes in twos, from now through summer of 2021. Make sure to check out the footage below!
Excited for the new season? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Strike the Blood IV will release, in two episodes installments on April 8th,June 24th, September 30th, December 23rd, March 24, 2021 and June 30, 2021!