Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine is reporting that an anime adaptation of the popular Love and Lies Japanese manga is in the works from LINDEN Films, the studio behind Poco's Udon World and Terra Formars. Seiki Takuno will direct the anime adaptation of the manga which tells the story of a futuristic Japan where marriage is arranged by the government. A short teaser for the project has been uploaded to YouTube.
The timing of the adaptation is probably no accident as there have been numerous reports on
Japan's low birthrate and the r
ising number of millennials that are virgins.
The anime adaptation is expected to premiere in July.
Lies are forbidden and love is doubly forbidden. In the near future, when young people in Japan turn sixteen, they are assigned a marriage partner by the government. People don't have to go through the trouble of looking for someone, and everyone accepts that the country will find a compatible partner to make them happy. Yukari Nejima is fifteen years old. He lives in a small corner of the country, and just can't seem to get ahead in life. Both academically and athletically he's below average. But within him, he hides a heart burning with passion! In this world in which love is forbidden, what will happen to him when he falls in love?