Natsuki Takaya's
Fruits Basket shojo manga is a beloved tale that received an anime adaptation in 2001 from Studio Deen that was heavily criticized by the creator and fans alike due to its anime-original ending. Fast forward to 2019 and fans of the series were pleasantly surprised by the news of a remake, one that would strictly adhere to the source material. The first 25-episode run premiered in April 2019 and wrapped in October of that year. Season 2 is now confirmed to premiere in April 2020.
Below is a recap video of the first season of the TV anime remake. The same creative staff and voice actors from season 1 are all confirmed to return.
Tohru Honda thought her life was headed for misfortune when a family tragedy left her living in a tent. When her small home is discovered by the mysterious Soma clan, she suddenly finds herself living with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma. But she quickly learns their family has a bizarre secret of their own: when hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into the animals of the Zodiac!