Sunrise, Inc., best known as the anime studio behind the Gundam franchise, Cowboy Bebop, Code Geas, Tiger & Bunny and a whole host of other landmark titles is looking to train the next generation of great anime creators. Sunrise is launching the Sunrise Sakuga Juku or Sunrise Animation School in April 2018. It will be a training program that lasts one year and will feature classes taught by Sunrise animators.
The program is actually a reboot of a previous Sunrise animation training program, which ran from 2005 to 2011. The program provides those selected with a monthly stipend of ¥100,000 yen or about $900 USD. Sunrise is looking for interested illustrators in the age of 18-25 for a program that will consists of training from 10am - 6pm, M-F.
The deadline to apply is July 25 and the total number of participants Sunrise is seeking is around 10 with acceptance letters going out in August.
Good luck!