In the Demon Slayer anime, not long after Tanjiro and Nezuko barely escape the spider forest with their friends, The heroes are recovered by the Hashira. The Hashira are the Demon Slayer corps best swordsmen and most elite slayers. Their introduction promised new relationships and new challenges for the series' main heroes. Now, the dubbed version of the series is getting read to release those episodes.
Recently, Aniplex of America released a new trailer that announces the voice actors and actresses, for the Hashira. In the trailer, many voices are announced, with one stand out being ex Power Ranger and the voice of Ichigo (Bleach), Johnny Yong Bosch. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the upcoming dubbed episodes? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below! The dubbed episodes of
Demon Slayer air every Saturday at 12:30am on