Koyoharu Gotouge's hit series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, released in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump in 2016. The series tellst he story of Tanjiro, after the death of his family, as he trains as a demon slayer to hunt the demon that killed his family and changed his sister, who he carries on his back, from the demon she has become. The series is one of the best modern shonen series to have come out and even had an anime that realeased about a year ago.
After the first season of the series, a new film was also announced to be released to continue the story. While no official word on a second season has been announced yet, the manga has been continuing the story no matter what. As of now the series has 23 compiled volumes, while the most recent four chapters are on their way soon. However, it seems that the series has no plan to overstay its welcome, as news on the final chapter has recently been unveiled.
In the combined issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, it was announced that the next chapter of the series would be its last one. While this may seem more sudden than expected; it is safe to assume that the conclucsion of the series will be nothing short of explosive. The final chapter of the series will also feature an all color opening page.
Sad to see the series end? Excited for the epic conclusion to the series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments. The final chapter of Demon Slayer releases on May 11th!