The Japanese magazine, Weekly Shōnen Sunday, has confirmed the premiere of one of the most anticipated episodes of Detective Conan: the Kioto arc. Also known as the Crimson School Trip, it adapts the 1000th chapter of the manga, it will be released on January 5th and 12th, 2019.
According to information from the Japanese magazine, both episodes will be one hour long, and will adapt the six chapters of the manga published between August and September 2017.
Masatomo Sudo, veteran character designer of the series, will be in charge of the animation of these specials. In addition, the first part of the arc will coincide with the 25th anniversary of Detective Conan's debut on Shōnen Sunday.
Detective Conan is one of the longest-running manga and anime franchises with 1020 manga chapters and 912 episodes in its animated adaptation. It also has 22 movies and a multitude of specials.