Produced in 2005, Full Metal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala was the seventh most popular anime film released in Japan during 2005, which was a very strong year for anime features. Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle, which grossed more than five times as much as the second place film, was the runaway leader followed by films featuring Pokemon, Detective Conan, Crayon Shin-chan, One Piece, Naruto and then Full Metal Alchemist.
Full Metal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala is set in Munich, Germany in the 1920s. Even though he is becoming increasingly involved in events that will shape our twentieth century earth, Edward Elric, who was unexpectedly transported to this planet, is attempting to return to his own world, where is brother Alphonse is conducting further alchemical experiments in an attempt to bring Edward back. FUNimation has not yet announced when they will release the FMA movie. It is likely that it will also air on the Cartoon Network (where the FMA TV anime has been a big hit).