The Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has revealed four cast members joining the sports shonen anime series, Hinomaru Sumo. The official website for the show revealed the other three members. Below you will find the group shot announcing everyone joining and the character designs for the new sumo wrestlers in the series.
The new voice actors are: Ryota Takeuchi as Shido Tennoji, Toshiki Masuda as Akihira kano, Yoshimasa Hosoya as Tenma Hikage, Kazuhiko Inoue as Shunkai, Tarusuke Shingaki as Norihiro Saenoyama, Hozumi Goda as Oyakata Shibakiyama and Tetsuya kakihara as Takuya Terahara.
Kounosuke Uda and Yasutaka Yamamoto are credited as directors, James Shimoji produces the music and Kawada is the original creator. The opening theme is FIRE GROUND by Official HIgeda-dism and the ending theme is Hiizuru Basho by Omedetai Atama de Naniyori.
Kawada publishes the Hinomaru Zumô manga in the pages of the Weekly Shônen Jump magazine since May 2014. Currently this story is focused on the world of sumo wrestling and has a total of 21 compilation volumes.