The popular manga and anime series, Hunter x Hunter, adds a new film to its body of English-dubbed work on February 20th, available in the typical DVD/Blu-Ray Combo set.
According to Viz, the movie centers around Kurapika and his eyes...which have been stolen. Kurapika enlists the help of Gon and Killua to investigate another surviving member of his clan, which were all massacred for their Scarlet Eyes, as the primary suspect of the theft. Of course, the Phantom Troupe makes an appearance just as the investigation is getting underway.
The DVD/Blu-Ray will include several special features such as English cast interviews (Blu-Ray only), art gallery (Blu-Ray only), the Japanese movie premier and cast interviews and, of course, all of the trailers! The combo is, as usual, available for pre-order via Viz or most other online retailers. In fact, Amazon has it right now for about $7 less than MSRP--just a heads up!
Excited about this release? Let us know your thoughts on Hunter x Hunter in the comments!