The Japanese light novel series written by Fujino Ōmori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda received a manga adaptation from Kunieda in August 2013. A 13-episode anime adaptation from Studio J.C. Staff was simulcast on Crunchyroll beginning April 2015.
A 12-episode spinoff anime, titled Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Sword Oratoria aired from April-June 2017. However, that series retold the events of the first season from a different character's perspective. Now, it appears that J.C. Staff is ready to continue Bell Cranel and Hestia's adventures in Orario as a new season has been confirmed along with the teaser below.
In additon, an anime film titled Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darō ka: Arrow of the Orion (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Arrow of the Orion) has also been confirmed for release in 2018. The film's first key visual can be seen below.
Based off of a light novel of the same name written by Fujino Omori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda, Is It Wrong to Try and Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? is set in the world of Orario, where adventurers band together and look for treasures in an underground labyrinth known as Dungeon. However, for Bell Cranel, fame and riches are secondary to what he wants to find the most: girls. He soon finds out though, that anything can happen in Dungeon, and winds up being the damsel in distress instead!