After winning in first place on a game show hosted by the previous deputy editor-in-chief of Weekly Shonen Jump, the Japanese comedian Kendo Kobayashi was awarded a "role" in the Me & Roboco manga. This honor came about a couple of years ago. Kobayashi will be bringing his character, Kenkoba-sensei, to the small screen as part of the anime version of the series that is now running. He will be providing the voice for the character (of course)!
Now that Bondo has his very own OrderMaid, it’s time to show her off to his friends. But will they be able to handle Roboco? And what exactly is the secret behind this special robot?!
Check out Kendo Kobayashi's character visual below!
Kendo Kobayashi has said that ever since he found out that Me & Roboco would be getting an anime series, he has been excitedly waiting to hear whether he would receive the call to voice Kenkoba-sensei in the anime. He claimed he has been waiting ever since he first found out about the anime series. Kobayashi said that he had even improvised some of the sentences that were used in the episode.
Kobayashi is no new to voice acting in anime, having previously portrayed characters such as Vinny in Promare and Dice in One Piece Film: Gold. He is well known for his performance as the Deputy Chief of Police in a Pod TV anime that aired in 2022.
Akitaro Daichi, better known as Tonkatsu DJ Agetaro, is currently serving as the head of the anime production firm Gallop. (Initial D, Kodocha). Among the other important members of the cast and crew are assistant director Michihiro Sato, series composition writer Sayuro Ooba (FIRST LOVE MONSTER), and character designer Yuko Ebara (animation director for Delicious Party Pretty Cure), amongst others.
Since July 2020, the Me & Roboco manga has been serialized in the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, while the English translation of the manga is published by VIZ Media on the app version of the magazine.
You can check out the trailer and visual for Me & Roboco below!
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