Based on the acclaimed One Piece series created by Eiichiro Oda,
One Piece: World Seeker will see Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat crew roaming around Jail Island and fighting members of the World Government, as well as Germa 66.
So far, we know that World Seeker will be based on an original story by Eiichiro Oda, which is likely to make every One Piece fan ecstatic for the game; with the game promising to deliver a quality story from the get-go.
Now that the game is only a mere 10 days awy from releasing worldwide, Bandai namco has shared the first five minutes of the action-packed opening cutscene — for those fans who just can't seem to wait for the game's launch — and players will finally be able to explore Jail Island for themselves when
One Piece: World Seeker releases for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on the
15th of March.
Take a look:
The Straw Hat crew arrives on Jail Island where an ominous sense of danger seems to be looming. What could have attracted the World Government and the Germa 66 to this place?
One Piece: World Seeker will be available for the PlayStation, Xbox One, and PC on the 15th of March.