After a brief delay due to the World Series, One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga finally premiered in Japan on November 3rd. This is a special version of the original Fish-Man Island arc presented in an abridged 21-episode story with enhanced contemporary visuals.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga also features brand new opening and ending theme sequences, both of which were shared online. The crispness of the visuals is on full display in the videos below and for those who wanted the original arc as it aired, you'll definitely get a dose of nostalgia.
The new opening theme, titled “We go! ~Straw Hat Pirates ver.,” is a remade version of the classic opening theme by Hiroshi Kitadani. This time around, it is performed by the Straw Hat Pirates' voice cast. The new ending theme is titled "Sailing," and performed by BE:FIRST.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga is a decade-old story arc that has been updated with enhanced visuals and condensed from its original 58 episodes down to a concise 21 episodes.
One Piece producer Ryuta Koike has explained that it should not be viewed as a compilation, but rather a remake. The entire arc has been rebuilt from scratch for this new edit. As you can see in the opening above and ending below, we've got new visuals, sound, and more that help make it feel like the more modern episodes.
For those new to the One Piece anime who may never have watched the older episodes, the synopsis for One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga reads:
The Straw Hats reunite at Sabaody! The promised day has arrived. The Straw Hats have made it back to Sabaody Archipelago after two arduous years of separation. In the very same place where they once lost to Pacifista, the Straw Hats have proven themselves to be stronger and ready to begin their journey to the New World. With the Thousand Sunny now equipped to travel underwater, the next stop is the Fish-Man Island. “One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga” is a special edited version of the original arc from “One Piece”, in an abridged 21-episode story with an enhanced contemporary visual look.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga airs weekly in Japan with new episodes also streaming with subtitles on Crunchyroll. The series will help keep fans engaged while the anime's main storyline is on hiatus. It was recently announced that the One Piece series is going on hiatus and will not return until April 2025 with the debut of the Egghead Arc Part II.
In addition to One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga, fans were also treated to a special anime adaptation of One Piece Novel: Straw Hat Stories. Titled One Piece Fan Letter, the special debuted on October 20th.