Toei Animation's One Piece series has been running since 1999, just over 20 years, making it one of it not hte longest running anime in history. The adventures of Luffy and the Straw Hats has been translated in multiple different languages and aired in multiple countries. Becasuse of this One Piece as a series and as a manga is in itself, one of the most influential series of its generation.
Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected anime and manga in many different ways. Since the country has been announced to be in a state of emergency, some series have been forced to delay releases. Stage plays have even been cancelled while manga magazines have pushed back releases to the next month. Even anime have been forced to postpone their releases, including One Piece.
As the anime had reached the Wano arc last July, the series was set to release the 930th episode, on April 26th. However, due to the pandemic, the series has now been postponed until further notice. Instead, the series plans on airing the first episode of the Wano arc in its place. Sadly, until then the staff will announce when the series will return.
Sad to have to wait for new episodes? Hoping the wait isn't too long? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!