Premiering in Japan last August, One Piece Stampede was the most recent film in the franchise to be released. The story followed the Straw Hat crew as they visit a Pirate Festival. The film intriduced a few new characters, including the new villain, Bullet. The film celebrates the 20th anniversary of Eiichciro Oda's manga and its amazing feat of being the one of the longest running series and best selling, in history.
The release of the film shot it all the way to number 1, in Japan and earned an extra 8.4% than its last film, One Piece Gold. Recently, Funimation released some brand new and exciting updates for One Piece, on its streaming service. Not only will the service be releasing the return on its English dub (ep. 577-587); there was also an exciting reveal for the most recent film!
This summer will see the release of One Piece Stampede; however, there will be a bit of a catch. The service won't be streaming the film indefinitely, but only for 60 days. With no particular reason given for this, it is safe to assume its mainly to heelp cut the boredom during these trying times. But that doesn't mean that fans shouldn't watch the film, starting this weekend!
Excited for the limited release? Happy for the return of the English dub? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! One Piece Stampede is set to stream, starting this Friday; and the dubs will be releasing on June 2nd!