Record of Grancrest War (Grancrest Senki), the light novel series from writer Ryo Mizuno and illustrator Miyuu is receiving an anime adaptation at A-1 Pictures. Aniplex of America is distributing the series and have revealed that the series will be simulcast on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
Mamoru Hatakeyama (Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū) is directing the series while the writing group, WriteWorks is handling the script. Hiroshi Yakou (Prison School) is handling character designs.
The series is described as:
The story of Record of Grancrest War follows Teo, a knight, and Shiruka, a magician, as they seek the emperor's holy seal (the titular "Grancrest") in an effort to bring peace to their war-torn land.