In the newest episode of the latest Webtoon anime, God of High School, we get to catch up more with the primary trio as they prepare to get back into the ring to duke it out in hopes of getting the chance to have their wish granted.
As we might already know, the anime is all about the God of High School tournament that brings together all the best high school fighters from across South Korea. The winner will get their wishes granted, but it won’t be easy to come out on top after seeing what some of the fighters are capable of in episode 2.
In the last episode, we got the chance to see Jing going against Gang Manseok, and we got the chance to see how it ended. Now, our favorite trio so far took the time out to discuss why they decided to enter the tournament.
Interestingly enough, Mira has entered the tournament to find a man strong enough to use her father’s Moon Light Sword Style. But not only that, but this person must be able to rebuild the Dojo. As for Daewi, he just wants to get some cash, while Jing is more interested in getting stronger.
We like the fact that the second episode focuses a lot on deepening the bond between the trio, but we are certain things will not be peachy between them for very long.
Now, while the bonding between the three was nice to see, things quickly went back to fighting, and rightfully so since this anime is all about people making others feel some serious pain.
You see, the impressive animation from the first episode was one of the defining moments, and it returned for the second. The fighting was excellently done as usual, but unfortunately, the show has yet to explain the fighting styles of all we’ve seen.
If there is one thing that stood out as abnormal, it would be the flushed look to the character's noses. Yes, this is indeed a design choice, but the anime could have done without it.