VINLAND SAGA Season 2, the ongoing adaptation based on Makoto Yukimura's historical fiction manga, will continue into its second season beginning on April 4, and now two exciting new preview videos have been released to tease the continuing story of Thorfinn and company!
The opening theme for the series is titled "Paradox," and it is performed by Survive Said The Prophet. The ending theme for the series is titled "Ember," and it is performed by haju:harmonics. You can check out the trailers for the theme songs below!
Opening Theme "Paradox" Song Trailer
Closing Theme "Ember" Song Trailer
An original Japanese version of the VINLAND SAGA manga is currently being published in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon seinen manga magazine. Kodansha USA also publishes a version of the manga in English. MAPPA is in charge of the animation production for the second season of VINLAND SAGA, which is directed by Shuhei Yabuta. Crunchyroll is the platform that is currently streaming the series, and they describe the plot as follows:
Around the end of the millennium, Viking, the mightiest but atrocious tribe, had been out breaking everywhere. Thorfinn, the son of the greatest warrior, lived his childhood in the battlefield. He was seeking the land of reverie called Vinland. This is the story of a true warrior in an age of turmoil.
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