Titled the 100-Year Anime Project, Toei is looking to find a new anime that will last for the next 100 years and their launching a contest that's open to everyone around the globe. The contest will be split into 4 categories:
Category A - for individuals with no anime or manga experience
Category B - for indviduals with limited anime and manga exerience
Category C - pitches for a remake of the 1975 anime Ikkyū-san
Category D - resumes from veteran industry professionals that can help produce anime based on the winning pitches from Category A,B and C
There will be a Grand Prize, runner-up and honorable mention awarded in each of the first 3 categories, with monetary prizes of ¥1 million yen ($9,243 USD), ¥500,000 yen ($4,621 USD) and ¥300,00 yen ($2,773 USD).
Head over to Toei
for more details on the contest.