The classic anime film, Tokyo Godfathers, was created by Satoshi Kon and has truly made its way into the hearts of many fans as both a beloved and touching animated film. Earlier in the year, the film had a limited theatrical re-release and it truly sparked a massive interest in the newer fans to the film. So much so that now fans can take the film home in a brand new format!
For the first time, thanks to GKIDS, the film will be making its way to fans collections in the Blu-ray format! Fans can expect the home release of the film to come sometime in the summer. Before this the film had only had a DVD release around the time of its original run back in 2003.
The new Blu-ray will have a slew of awesome special features that include three featurettes (The Process of Animation, The Unexpected Tours and The Making of Tokyo Godfathers). There will also be an interview with English voice actress Shakina Nayfack and Satoshi Kon's short film Ohayo, along with many other goodies.
Excited for the new release? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Tokyo Godfathers is set to release, on Digital on May 19th and on Blu-ray on June 2nd!