Over the weekend, the official website for the upcoming television anime adaptation of Shin Araki's fantasy light novel series Hero Classroom was updated with a new character introduction film and a second key image for the series' six major protagonists. Hero Classroom is said to be adapted into an anime for television in the near future!
You can check out the newly released 2nd key visual below:
Here's a list of the six main characters featured in the following clip:
- Blade voiced by Reiji Kawashima (Fushi in To Your Eternity)
- Arnest Flaming voiced by Misuzu Yamada (Koshi Nagumo in Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory)
- Sophi voiced by Nao Toyama (Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp)
- Cú Chulainn voiced by Hina Kino (Lucy Tsukioka in Ayakashi Triangle)
- Maria / Mao voiced by Sarah Emi Bridcutt (Myne in The Rising of the Shield Hero)
- Iona voiced by Aya Uchida (Kotori Minami in Love Live!)
Here's a list of the so-far announced other eight cast members that will be featured on the show:
- Claire voiced by Eri Yukimura
- Yessica voiced by Haruka Shiraishi
- Clay voiced by Shuichi Uchida
- Qasim voiced by Tomohiro Ohno
- Leonard voiced by Tomohito Takatsuka
- Eliza voiced by Yoshimi Ohara
- King (Gilgamesh) voiced by Rikiya Koyama
- Asmodeus voiced by Toru Inada
The Actas adaptation is scheduled to make its debut in July 2023. Keiichiro Kawaguchi (Spy Classroom, SKET Dance) will direct the project. Naoki Hayashi (Higurashi: When They Cry - GOU) will write the series' composition, and Kosuke Kawamura (Remake Our Life!) will design the characters. Kawamura will also serve as the chief animation director. Actas will produce the adaptation.
Let us know your thoughts on the manga-based Hero Classroom anime adaptation in the comments below!