A live-action movie has been announced based on the popular manga and anime series by Haro Aso and Kotaro Takata, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead! The film will make its Netflix debut on August 3, and a new English-subtitled trailer is now available! The video samples Ren's "HoriZOM" theme song for the anime.
Check out the trailer from Netflix below!
Yusuke Ishida is the director of the live-action Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead movie, which stars Eiji Akaso as Akira, Mai Shiraishi as Shizuka, Shuntaro Yanagi as Kencho, and Kazuki Kitamura as Akira's boss Gonzo.
The original manga is currently published by VIZ Media, while new episodes of the Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead anime are released every week on Crunchyroll.
About the Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead film:
With three years under his belt at the company from hell, Akira Tendo is mentally and physically spent. All at the ripe old age of twenty-four. Even his crush from Accounting, Saori, wants nothing to do with him. Then, just when life is beginning to look like one big disappointment, it happens. The zombie apocalypse descends on Japan! Surrounded by hordes of hungry zombies, Akira comes to a realization that will forever change his life… “Wait, does this mean I never have to go to work again?” Confess to... party like it’s... travel Japan coast to… Now, with his nightmare job no longer, Akira’s got his mojo back. Let the bucket listing begin!!
Did you watch the new trailer for the live-action Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead movie? Be sure to drop your thoughts on it down below in the comments! Let us know if you will be tuning in to the premiere on Netflix next month! We sure will be.