Akuma Kun, the upcoming Netflix anime series coming November 9, just revealed its newest trailer for the series, along with its newest cast member. Get all the details on the new additions below:
Hiro Shimono will voice the role of Strophire:
Netflix describes the series below:
The story of Akuma Kun follows a strange young boy named Akuma Kun who reincarnates every 10,000 years and tries to create a world free from conflict, strife, and hunger by harnessing the power of demons.
Check out some of the staff and cast members behind the scenes for the anime series!
Crew Members
- Character design, chief animation director: Hide Shibuya
- Art director: Yumiko Kuga
- Color design: Kunio Tsujita
- Director of photography: Takeo Ogiwara
- Magical circle design: Wataru Osakabe
- Music: Akio Izutsu
- Sana Kazama voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi
- Mio voiced by Yumiri Hanamori
- Gremory voiced by Fairouz Ai
- Hina Asanagi voiced by Yukiyo Fujii
You can watch the newest preview trailer for the Netflix anime series below:
Let us know your thoughts on the upcoming Akuma Kun anime series in the comments below! We're marking its November 9 release on our calendars so we don't miss out!