Developer Liber Entertainment's mobile video game A3! will be getting a television anime adaptation. The game premiered as a mobile game available for both iOS and Android devices back in January 2017 and has the player train male actors that want to join the entertainment business.
The game acquried over two million downloads in its first month after launch, and then hit the 5 million download milestone in March 2018. The game will launch its English version thanks to CYBIRD, no release date given.
The mobile game has four troupes the player can manage (Thanks to TV Tropes):
Spring Troupe, which specializes in storybooks or fairy tale plays (headed by Sakuya Sakuma)
Summer Troupe, which specializes in comedies (headed by Tenma Sumeragi)
Autumn Troupe, which specializes in action plays (headed by Banri Settsu)
Winter Troupe, which specializes in drama and mystery (headed by Tsumugi Tsukiota)
The official site for the anime adaptation lists the following staff members as well as shared a new promotional video.
Director - Keisuke Shinohara
Character Design - Mariko Komatsu
Chief Animation Director - Ryo Fujiwara
Script - Naoki Hayashi
Producer - Infinite
The mobile game also inspired a stage play that ran on November 2018. A new play titled Mankai Stage A3! ~Autumn & Winter 2019 is taking place right now and will end on February 11 in Tokyo. There is no other information on the anime as of right now. As soon as more details are revealed, we will let you know.
The anime has no release date or summary yet