In 2018, the anime B: The Beginning released on Netflix and opened the eyes of fans to a new world of fantasy and mystery. Created by Production I.G., the series mixed crime and detective world with a unique and action-packed storyline that seemed almost biblical in execution.
Considering the desire for a second season from viewers, it is safe to assume that the premise not only went off without a hitch but was also praised for doing so! For two years, there had been no updates on the second season, but fans knew that it was being developed; today, all of that changed.
During the Netflix Anime Festival 2020, the second season of the series was not only announced but given a title, B: The Beginning Succession, and also a release window! Some new stills of Keith and Koku were also shown!
There is still a lot left to reveal before its premiere, but it is nice to see that the show looks to be just as beautiful as its first season. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
After Keith and Koku solved the incidents successfully , the world has regained its composure. In the months since then, Keith returns to the RIS to conduct his own investigation, and Koku is living a peaceful life with Yuna. They are visited by Kirisame, who was once supposed to have broken up with Kurou in death at the Faura Blanca Institute…
B: The Beginning Succession is coming in 2021 to Netflix!