The hit anime series BanG Dream! has been airing as early as 2017. The music based anime series has been a major hit with fans for many years. After the first season premiere in 2017, Sentai Filmworks released the second season in January of last year. After the second season, fall of 2019 saw the release of the BanG Dream! FILM LIVE movie and was followed by the third season premiere, this past January.
The franchise has been a massive hit, streaming on platforms like VRV, Crunchyroll, and HIDIVE. The most recent announcement for the series has been the upcoming release of the English dub of the second season, on streaming services.
Recently, a brand new, English dubbed clip of the second season of the series was released. The clip comes ahead of upcoming spring release on HIDIVE. It shows the girls of Poppin'Party walking in the rain sharing their dreams of playing as a band again. Make sure to check out the new clip below!
Excited about the new dub? Planning on catching up on the series? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot! The second season of Sentai Filmwork's BanG Dream! will release on April 21st, worldwide, on HIDIVE!