Beginning as a manga by Yuki Nakano in the late 90s, the Battle Athletes Victory franchise has crossed multiple forms of media, from manga to anime and even a video game. The series follows a group of girls, in the future, who compete in athletic tournaments to be called Cosmic Beauty.
The manga series spawned an OVA series in the same year as the comic's debut in 1997. The OVA ran for just over a year, with six episodes under its belt. From that point, a full-length anime, titled Battle Athletes Victory was released.
The anime series is not a direct adaption of the manga, but a retelling of the story with a completely different premise and character personalities. That series ran for a total of 26 episodes from 1997 to 1998. Since then, not much has been released from the series for two decades.
However, in a recent reveal from the comic website Comic Ruelle & Comic Jardin, a brand new anime and manga of the franchise would be releasing! The manga Pale Blue Dot Battle Athletes Daiundōkai ReSTART! is written by Rui Takato and has recently launched a prologue manga ahead of the official release.
The anime adaption will be based on the new manga yet; no official release date has been set for the series. With the new series telling an entirely new story, this will allow a lot of new fans to jump in on the classic franchise. Make sure to share your thoughts on the latest reveal in the comments!
In the science-fiction sports action story set in the year 5100, elite athletes from around the solar system compete to become Cosmic Beauty, the champion of a huge athletic tournament.
Pale Blue Dot Battle Athletes Daiundōkai ReSTART! will release its new manga this July!