Paru Itagaki's hit manga series Beastars is a unique mystery seires that takes the circle of life and twists it on its head by adding human stakes. The story centers around the idea that herbivores and carnivores can coexist and fight their primal animal urges. Still, things change when a herbivore is killed and eaten right at the time a young wolf finds solace in a young rabbit classmate.
Since the manga's release back in 2016, the fanbase for the series has continued to grow and has even seen an anime adaption be released not only in Japan but also worldwide thanks to Netflix! Now, with the second season being greenlit, it's time for more news and updates on what's to come with the new episodes.
As the information on the upcoming season begins to trickle in, the latest news has been the announcement of the artist that will be performing the show's opening theme. According to the official Twitter musical duo, YOASOBI will be singing "Kaibutsu" (Monster) as the shows opening theme; sounds pretty ominous in a show about animals meaning that next year might start to shake things up!
There will be more reveals as the year progresses but until then, make sure to stay tuned for more updates! We would love to hear your thoughts on the new season in the comments below!
At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, it's personal relationships that maintain the fragile peace. Who among them is a Beastar—an academic and social role model destined to become a leader in a society naturally rife with mistrust?
Last night at Cherryton Academy, an herbivore student was killed and eaten. Among the members of the drama club, the herbivores' suspicions naturally turn to their carnivore classmates… The prime suspect? Legoshi, a large wolf. But he wouldn't hurt a fly—or would he? And will dwarf rabbit Haru bring out the beast in him? Or are his feelings for her…something else?
Beastars season 2 will release in Japan in January 2021!