Hot off the heels of the third season of the hit original anime, Castlevania, Netflix, and Powerhouse Animation has been hard at work on a new series of epic proportions. Blood of Zeus is a new and action-packed series that looks to be steeped in the lore of Greek mythology.
Initially titled Gods and Heroes last year; the new series have evolved into what it is now and features all of the classic tropes of other greek myths. This even includes the unlikely hero who must brave insurmountable odds.
Guaranteeing the same violent action that Castlevania offers, the new series looks to be holding back no punches in delivering a series fit for the gods. A new trailer has also started streaming that gives a fantastic look at the tone of the show.
While there is still a couple of weeks before the release, this show looks to be another hit for the studio that revolutionizes how anime is seen. Make sure to check to the trailer and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind’s best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.
Blood of Zeus premieres on Netflix on October 27th!