A brand new animated film is on its way to theaters in Japan, titled Child of Kimiari Month. Following the story of a girl who, after the death of her mother, decides to give up on her talent of running. However, things change when a messenger of the gods comes into her life.
Following a crowdfunding campaign, that began in March 2019, Cretica Universal has been using their lovely animation talents to bring the film to life. Initially set for a 2020 release, unknown reasons had pushed the film back to a release sometime next year.
As the marketing for the film begins to ramp up, the first official trailer for the movie has been released! With new footage to show, this film has the potential to be one of the best-animated films yet!
While the wait may be extended, for the film's release, it just may be worth it. Make sure to check out the trailer below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
The main character of the anime is a girl called Kanna. She used to be a runner, but after the death of her mother, loses her passion. One day she comes across a rabbit named Shiro, who is a Messenger of the Gods, and an ogre boy named Yasha. They then invite her to Izumo and the story begins.
Child of Kimiari Month will release in Japan in 2021!