While companies like Disney are able to feature their channels in different countries around the globe, that doesn't necessarily mean that the programming is the exact same either. While the more well-known series will make it overseas, some more regionally famous shows stay in the area and never see screenings elsewhere.
For the Disney Channel, one of Japan's hit 3D CG anime is titled Fireball. The show follows a young robot named Drossel von Flügel and her mechanized guardian Gedächtnis as they go through day to day life in various animated shorts.
Recently, a new teaser for the show's "final chapter," titled Gebäude Bäude, was released and featured some amazing new footage and fantastic animation. The show is set to air for a total of ten episodes and will be airing in two parts, with the first coming out in the beginning of November.
There is still a lot to uncover with the new series, but it looks to be another exciting hit for the anime genre and Disney! We would love to hear your thoughts on the teaser in the usual spot!
The original "high-density industrial gag short animation" of two-minute shorts follows the daily life of a female robot duchess named Drossel von Flügel (played by Miyuki Kawasho) and her guardian servant robot Gedächtnis (Toru Ohkawa).
Fireball is coming to the Disney Channel in Japan on November 8th until November 12th with the second part coming out on December 6th to the 10th!