The official Kemurikusa Twitter account has shared the voice actor for the new character in the series, Wakaba. Kenji Nojima will be voicing the character in the newly-released show. The artist behind the theme song is called Nano and is under the record company Flying Dog. The company produced a lyric video in order to promote both the song and the anime series.
The previous headline on this anime revealed that it will have 12 episodes, the show debuedt on TOKYO MX on January 9, 2019 and then hit Sun TV, BS Fuji and other networks. Amazon Prime streamed the show as well, 15 minutes before TOKYO MX.
Rin: Mikako Komatsu (Izumi Shimomura in Ajin)
Ritsu: Arisa Kiyoto (Noiseler in Kaiju Girls)
Rina: Tomomi Jiena Sumi (Kamen Rider Girls member)
Director: Tatsuki
Production: Yaoyorozu
Animation director: Yoshihisa Isa (Kemono Friends animation director)
Art director: Yuko Shiramizu (Kemono Friends art director)
Anime producer: Yoshitada Fukuhara (Kemono Friends anime producer)
Art design: Tatsuki
Character design/Modeling: irodori
Anime production: Yaoyorozu
Prodution: Yaoyorozu Kemurikusa Project
The series got two original net animations in 2010 and 2012 also directed by Tatsuki but animated by irodori this time. The anime adapts this ONA, there is no manga series behind it. The anime's site has more information behind the project, check it out if you want to dive deeper into the show.
The science-fiction action story follows girls who fight with weird entities nicknamed "mushi" (bugs) and survive in a world of red fog.
Kemurikusa is streaming in Crunchyroll