In 2015, Takuya Mitsuda launched a continuation to his hit baseball series, Major. Major 2nd was released in the pages of Weekly Shonen Sunday and told the story of the son of the main character of the original series.
The manga's sequel series is a testament to the loyalty that Mitsuda has to the story, after continuing from the original series five years after its ending. With the success of the manga, an anime series was greenlit through the studio OLM.
The anime was released in 2018 and had been running since, with its first season streaming on Crunchyroll. The show's second season premiered back at the beginning of April, with director Ayumu Watanabe at the helm. Also returning to the series is writer Michihiro Tsuchiya.
After its premiere, the series ran for about four episodes before having to go on hiatus due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The anime later returned on May 30th and had continued to air in Japan.
A recent announcement from the series' Twitter revealed that the series would be going on another hiatus due to the outbreak. The silver lining to this particular pause, however, is that the series already has a July return date set in place.
While the return and sudden hiatus of the series can be stressful, or even annoying, the company keeping the employees safe will always be a top priority. Make sure to share your thoughts on the hiatus in the usual spot!
Shigeno Daigo is an elementary school student whose father, Goro, is a professional baseball player. Inspired by his father, who was once a Major League player, Daigo started playing baseball with the Mifune Dolphins, a youth league team. He was unable to live up to the expectations of being the son of a professional, however, and quit baseball after less than a year.
Then, in the spring of his sixth-grade year, Daigo's school welcomes a transfer student who's just returned from America. The transfer student is Sato Hikaru, and it turns out his father is Sato Toshiya, a former Major League player and Goro's close friend. The fate of these two young men begins to move forward!
Major 2nd return to small screens on July 11th!