Sae Okamoto's project,
Mecha-Ude has had a kickstarter to raise money for the series to has an official release. The series follows a young boy named Hero, and a mecha arm that hides in his hoodie named, Mecha-Ude, throughout the series the duo meets other mecha-ude users and trouble, battles, and excitement ensue. The series has finally gotten enought money to produce the series and Youtuber
Reina Scully (who will be voicing Aki in the dub of the series) began streaming the 26- minute pilot on her channel and can be viewed right here!
While this episode is NOT an official first episode, it not only proves that this new series is sure to garner a very strong fanbase with its unique story and stellar crew; but also shows the drive and perserverance that aspiring creators have when they want the world to see thier vision. Excited to see more of the series? Share your thoughts in the usual spot!