From the world of Monster Musume, the Monster Girl Doctor light novel series was released in 2016. The series was created by Yoshino Origuchi and, with six volumes already under its belt, continues to publish new chapters.
The story follows Dr. Glenn and his assistant Sapphee as they take care of the various injuries and ailments in the world of monsters. Much like the comic it spawned from, there is no shortage of raunchy humor and shenanigans.
The light novels were such a success upon release that, with the help of director Yoshiaki Iwasaki and his team at Arvo Animation, the books were greenlit for an anime! The series, with the same title, has been announced for a mid-July release, however, thanks to the series' official website, there's a way to catch the first episode of the series a few days early.
According to the site, the streaming service d Anime Store is allowing viewers a sneak peek chance to see the first episode of the series this weekend. Make sure to mark the date and time, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
In the town of Lindworm where monsters and humans coexist, Dr. Glenn runs an exemplary medical clinic for monster girls with his lamia assistant, Sapphee. Whether receiving a marriage proposal by a centaur injured in battle, palpating the injury of a mermaid, or suturing the delicate wounds of a flesh golem, Dr. Glenn performs his job with grace and confidence. But when an unsavory character seeks to steal a harpy egg, how will the unflappable Dr. Glenn respond...?
Monster Girl Doctor will stream early on July 4th on d Anime Store at 7:30 pm and then will continue to air regularly with the second episode. The series also premieres on television on July 12th and 14th!