The official nobutsuma-anime website has announced the anime adaptation of author Azure Konno's time-traveling school romance manga series Mr. Nobunaga's Young Bride. The site also revealed some of the staff and cast behind the new adaptation.
Director: Noriyoshi Sasaki
Series Comp: Yuuzou Yoku
Chara Design: Takashi Nishikawa
Studio: Seven
Koudai Sakai as Nobunaga Oda
Akari Uehara as Kichou Saitou
Ari Ozawa as Yoshino Ikuma
The new anime series has a premiere date of April 2019. The manga series is written and illustrated by Azure Konno and has been published by the Monthly Action magazine since May 2017. The third compiled book will be launched tomorrow. As soon as more information on the new anime pops up, we will let you know.
"One day, a girl who loves me will suddenly appear before me"—Middle school teacher Nobunaga has always been dreaming of such a gal game-like situation. However, the one who appeared before him was Kichou, a 14-year-old girl who proclaims herself as his wife. Appears to have arrived from the Sengoku era, she mistakes Nobunaga as Nobunaga Oda and urges him to conceive a child with her. Thus begins the age-difference love comedy between a gal game-loving teacher and a Sengoku era expert princess.
Mr. Nobunaga's Young Bride premiers on April 2019