In 2011, Wataru Watari's light novel series, My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong, As I Expected, was a successful series that ended just last year. The series told the story of a young man who is too cynical for his good. Due to a paper he wrote, he is forced to join a service club to help him. From this, he meets a manner of unique people, including a young girl named Yukino, who may change his life.
The light novels were a rousing success, and by the release of the anime, in 2013, the series skyrocketed in fame. The anime series went by the name of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU. After the success of the first series, the second season came soon after under the title My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Too! and was met with equal success.
The two series are streaming on various streaming services, including Crunchyroll, and as they aired. The series is being worked on by studio Feel and has released a trailer for the series.
The most recent news to release involves the character trailers to the show's third season, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax, that are beginning to be released. The newest update is a trailer to put the spotlight on the shy, Yukino. The short promo features new footage and dialogue for the new series.
The new comedy series is sure to cap off the series in the best way. With such anticipation for the new season, we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Hachiman Hikigaya is a cynic. "Youth" is a crock, he believes--a sucker's game, an illusion woven from failure and hypocrisy. But when he turns in an essay for a school assignment espousing this view, he's sentenced to work in the Service Club, an organization dedicated to helping students with problems in their lives! How will Hachiman the Cynic cope with a job that requires--gasp!--optimism?
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax is set to release on July 9th!