The Wealthy Detective novel series by Yasutaka Tsutsui originally began in 1975 and ran until 1977. The serialized series has become some of the best mystery series in Japan, with a fanbase that spans generations.
While the series has always been enjoyed, there have not been many media adaptions of the stories. However, this year has brought a modern flair to the classic series with The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited. The new anime is being developed over at CloverWorks but was forced to go on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sword Art Online director Tomohiko Ito and Haikyu!! writer, Taku Kishimoto are two critical pieces to a much larger puzzle that is bringing this series to life. While the first two episodes released to mass appeal, the third was the unlucky series to be put on hiatus due to the virus.
However, the wait is officially over as the series has now returned! To get fans ready for the new episodes, and the re-release of the others, a new promo was streamed on the show's official Twitter!
With the series returning, it is time, once again, to get lost in a world of mystery! Make sure to check out the promo below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
The story follows the incredibly wealthy Daisuke Kanbe (Yūsuke Ōnuki) who audaciously solves cases in unconventional ways. Whereas Tsutsui serialized the original novel from 1975 to 1977, the anime moves the setting into the modern day. Kanbe is assigned to the "Modern Crimes Task Unit" — a unit created to keep problematic officers away from others. There, Kanbe becomes partners with Haru Katō (Mamoru Miyano).
The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited restarts its series on July 16th, and then the new episodes resume on July 30th!