In 2017, mangaka Negi Haruba launched the series, The Quintessential Quintuplets, in the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine. The story follows a tutor who ends up trying to teach five sisters who are not only his classmates but to have no desire to learn anything and would rather flunk out than do work; from there, the romantic comedy begins to take over and form the story fans know and love.
The manga rand up until this past February and even released an anime that premiered its first season back in January of last year, to rave reviews. Now, with a second season greenlit, the premiere was forced to have a delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has now pushed the premiere of the new season, The Quintessential Quintuplets ∬, to early next year.
To help keep fans in the loop and excited for the new episodes, a brand new character trailer was released for hte new season on the show's official Twitter. The new video focuses on the oldest sister of the quintuplets, Ichika Nakano, and we are able to see some of her personality shine through in the short promo.
This new season is sure to be a hit for the fans and enough of a draw to get newcomers caught up on the previous episodes. We would love to hear your thoughts on the promo in the comments below!
One day, a poor high school second-year named Futaro Uesugi comes across a private tutoring gig with good pay. But his pupils are his classmates!! And they're quintuplets!! A-and they're all gorgeous girls, but they're also troublemakers who hate to study and are on the verge of flunking out! And his first task is simply gaining the sisters' trust?! Every day is a party! The curtain is rising on the Nakano quintuplets' quirky romantic comedy with five times the cute!!
The second season of The Quintessential Quintuplets will release in Japan in January 2021!