The Thunderbolt Fantasy series is a Japanese and Taiwanese collaboration series that tells the story of a fantasy world set in the east. In this world, a young girl finds herself in the protection of a swordsman and another man who reveals little about himself, as they try to steer clear of the evil clan pursuing her.
The martial arts show has been airing its series since 2016, with two complete seasons under its belt and a film that released in 2017. The first two seasons of the series and the film are even available to stream on Crunchyroll right now!
Another film project was also in the works in 2019, titled Thunderbolt Fantasy: Bewitching Melody of the West. The film was able to begin streaming in late 2019, on Crunchyroll. Lately, the series has been working hard to bring the show's third season to fans.
The third season of the series has had multiple teases to get fans excited. Along with posters, the series has also released a promo! However, while the series was initially set to premiere this year, it looks like that may not be the case, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As of now, the series creators have decided to postpone the release of the series as the production staff considers the safety measures. While no new releases date has been released yet, it is essential to stay tuned to the website for any updates. Make sure to share your thoughts on the hiatus in the comments section below!
Set in an Eastern fantasy setting, Dān Fěi and her brother, guardians of a sword known as the Tiān Xíng Jiàn, are pursued by the evil Xuán Guǐ Zōng clan, who seek to obtain the sword for their master, Miè Tiān Hái. While her brother is defeated, Fěi, who possesses the sword's crossguard, escapes and finds herself in the care of the wandering swordsman, Shāng Bù Huàn, and a mysterious man named Lǐn Xuě Yā, who become her protectors from the pursuing Xuán Guǐ Zōng clan.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is coming to Japan soon!