The official Wasteful Days of High School Girl website has revealed the 6 main cast members for the anime series adaptation of author Bino's manga series. The six actors and their characters starring in the series are the following:
Chinatsu Akasaki as Nozomu Tanaka
Haruka Tomatsu as Akane Kikuchi
Aki Toyosaki as Shiori Saginomiya
Maria Naganawa as Saku Momoi
Miyu Tomita as Minami Yamamoto
Rie Takahashi as Kanade Ninomae
Bino writes and illustrates the manga source, there is just one promotional piece for the project which has the three main girls Tanaka, Kikuchi and Saginomiya sitting together. Tanaka is nickmaed "Idiot" since she performs terribly in tests, Kikuchi is "Ota" becuase of her love for boys-love stories and Sainomiya is "Robot" for being the series' emotionless genius.
The story has these three main girls interact with a lively cast, making the disarray of emotions and personalities clash while presenting a story about youth. The manga series has been published by pixiv Comic. Kadokawa in the Comic Newtype magazine. The fourth volume will be published on November 10.
One day out of boredom, Tanaka decided to give her classmates nicknames based on their quirks. Her friend Sakuchi became “Ota” for her nerdy interests, and her other friend Saginomiya became “Robo” because of her expressionless personality. In retaliation, her friends decided to name Tanaka “Baka”. These are the ridiculous days of three high school friends claiming (or not) the height of their youth.
Wasteful Days of High School Girl's anime has no release date yet