The official The Young Pig-Rascal Isn't Dreaming of a Dreaming Girl Twitter account has shared a new promotional video. The film adaptation of the light novel series shares new footage in this 48-second clip. This anime movie is a sequel to the anime series Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
The anime film has a returning staff as well as cast. Soichi Masui is on the director's chair with Masahiro Yokotani in scripting duties. Satomi Tamura performs character design, fox capture plan is composing the music and CloverWorks is the studio animating the film adaptation.
Kaito Ishikawa as Sakuta Azusagawa
Asami Seto as Mai Sakurajima
Inori Minase as Shoko Makinohara
Nao Tōyama as Tomoe Koga
Atsumi Tanezaki as Rio Futaba
Maaya Uchida as Nodoka Toyohama
Yurika Kubo as Kaede Azusagawa
The film has an early summer 2019 release date, adapting the sixth and seventh volumes of the light novel source. Adapting The Young Pig-Rascal Isn't Dreaming of a First-Love Girl. The film will follow the main characters from the anime series and light novels, Sakuta Azusagawa and Mai Sakurajima. However, the story will throw in Shoko Makinohara, a mysterious addition that will throw both protagonists for a loop.
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai is out in 2019