In 2015, writer HiRock and illustrator Shinya Komi released the manga EX-ARM. The series released in the pages of Shueisha's Grand Jump mangazine, with the original series running until 2019. A new sequel series has been running in Grand Jump magazine, titled EX-ARM EXA. Not long after the conlcusion of the original series, an anime was on its way to release, for the following year.
The series originally begins in 2014, with a young man who hates machines, and wants to better himself. however, this all seems to stop after he is hit by a truck. Fast forward to 2030, where a police detective and her partner, an android, are stopping a criminal who has connections to a mysterious weapon known as an EX-ARM. Caught in a situation with slim options, the duo awaken one of these EX-ARM models and the adventure truly begins. Since its release, the manga has always been a consistent hit with fans and while no cast or staff announcements have been made yet, the new anime is shaping up to be just as successful.
Recently, a brand new visual was revealed for the series. What makes this visual especially unique is that it was done by original manga artist Shinya Komi. The piece features all of the characters of the series, overlooking the city the show is taking place in; giving of a series Ghost in the Shell aesthetic. Check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Wanting to start catching up on the manga? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot! EX-ARM is aiming for a July 2020 release.