Though titles as the Final Season, Zokuowarimonogatari or Zoku Owarimonogatari is the 18th light novel and marks the end of Koyomi Araragi's high school days. With Araragi no longer in high school and not in college or working, he suddenly has an identity crisis when he realizes he's a NEET. Given the supernatural occurances that swirl around Araragi, this dramatic realization and journey of self discovery is anything but ordinary.
Though it's billed as the "Final Season" there's actually one more section of the ongoing light novel series that still needs to be adapted. If Studio Shaft finds succes with Zoku Owarimonogatari, expect that to follow shortly thereafter. Stay tuned for an official release date, though it stands to reason that the earliest the latest chapter could be released is the Spring 2018 season.
Zokuowarimonogatari is the 13th part and the last light novel installment of the Final Season. It is the 18th light novel overall, and contains the story Koyomi Reverse.
Bakemongatari Chronological Order Of Light Novel Stories:
Nekomonogatari (Black)
Bakemonogatari (Volume 1)
Bakemonogatari (Volume 2)
Nisemonogatari (Volume 1)
Nisemonogatari (Volume 2)
Nekomonogatari (White)
Owarimonogatari (Volume 2)
Owarimonogatari (Volume 1)
Owarimonogatari (Volume 3)
Bakemongatari Anime Series Release Order:
Summer 2009 [15 episodes] Bakemongatari
Winter 2012 [11 episodes] Nisemonogatari
Fall 2012 [4 episodes] Nekomonogatari (Black Cat Story)
Summer 2013 [26 episodes] Monogatari Series Second Season (which covered White Cat Story thru Koimonogatari)
Summer 2014 [4 episodes] Hanamonogatari
Fall 2014 [4 episodes] Tsukimonogatari
Fall 2015 [15 episodes] Owarimonogatari Pt 1 & 2
January 2016 - January 2017 Three-part anime prequel film adapting Kizumonogatari released in Japanese theaters
Summer 2017 [7 episodes]Owarimonogatari Pt 3