Kingdom is an anime adaptation of a manga series titled "Kingdom" written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara. Kingdom premiered in 2012 with it's 38 episodes, followed by a second season in 2013 with 39 episodes. The first two seasons were animated by Studio Pierrot. In the third season, Studio Signpost and Pierrot combined for 26 episodes which began showing in April of 2020 - it's final episode concluding mid-October 2021. At the end of the third season's final episode, a fourth season was announced and will premiere in April 2022.
Many of the Kingdom characters are based on historical figures, sometimes carrying the names of the people they represent. The story itself is a fictional adaptation of the Chinese period known as the Warring States period, which ended in 221 BC when Ying Zheng, king of Qin, succeeded in conquering the other states and unifying China. Through the experiences of the main characters, Li Xin, a war orphan and his comrade, the young king, Ying Zheng. They fight to bring all the warring states under Qin, while Xin climbs the ranks to become the greatest general under the heavens and unifies China for the first time in hundreds of years changing history forever. The first three seasons of Kingdom are available for streaming on Funimation in either sub or English dub!
What do you think of the teaser artwork released with the heading, "I'm Up Next."?